The Regional Imperative: Regional Planning and Governance in Britain, Europe and the United States (
by Urlan A. Wannop
Category: Book
Binding: Paperback
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Results The Regional Imperative: Regional Planning and Governance in Britain, Europe and the United States (
Multilevel governance Wikipedia ~ Multilevel or multilevel governance is an approach in political science and public administration theory that originated from studies on European al scientists Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks developed the concept of multilevel governance in the early 1990s and have continuously been contributing to the research program in a series of articles see Bibliography
Regions of England Wikipedia ~ In 1998 regional chambers were created in the eight English regions outside London under the provisions of the Regional Development Agencies Act 1998 The powers of the assemblies were limited and members were appointed largely by local authorities rather than being directly elected
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Organized labour Western Europe ~ Organized labour Western Europe The history of unionism on the European continent differs significantly in several respects from that in Britain and the United States First industrial development came later and proceeded faster than in Britain with plants and enterprises starting on a large scale and often using the most advanced technology
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Spatial inequalities and policies in South Africa Place ~ There is a robust international debate about how best to tackle spatial inequalities within nations and regions The paper discusses three contrasting approaches spatial rebalancing spaceneutral and placebased
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