Cell Press Reviews: Cancer Therapeutics (Cell Press Reviews Series)
by (Paperback - Dec 31, 2013)
Category: Book
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Total Reviews: 1
Results Cell Press Reviews: Cancer Therapeutics (Cell Press Reviews Series)
Landmark Cell Reviews Stem Cells Cell ~ Stem cells have been under a continuous spotlight for the last decade Their unique developmental capacity and the intricate dialog with the microenvironment have fascinated the scientific community while the possibility of making and using these cells for therapeutic purposes has been both exhilarating and controversial
The Genomic Landscape and Pharmacogenomic ~ Ye et al comprehensively analyzed alterations of clock genes and circadian rhythms across multiple human cancers and revealed strong interactions between clock genes and clinically actionable genes which highlights the clinical utility of circadian timing in cancer chronotherapy
Join Our Team – Neon ~ Our Mission To be a breakthrough oncology company creating neoantigenbased therapeutics to significantly improve patients’ lives
Genetics of Kidney Cancer Renal Cell Cancer PDQ ~ This executive summary reviews the topics covered in this PDQ summary on the genetics of kidney cancer renal cell cancer with hyperlinks to detailed sections below that describe the evidence on each topic
Molecular Biology of Cancer Mechanisms Targets and ~ Molecular Biology of Cancer Mechanisms Targets and Therapeutics offers an accessible engaging and optimistic account of cancer biology for undergraduate and graduate students Drawing on the latest research in this dynamic field author Lauren Pecorino makes cuttingedge science readily accessible
Cancer immunotherapy Wikipedia ~ Cancer immunotherapy sometimes called immunooncology is the artificial stimulation of the immune system to treat cancer improving on the systems natural ability to fight is an application of the fundamental research of cancer immunology and a growing subspecialty of exploits the fact that cancer cells often have tumor antigens molecules on their surface that can be
Breast Cancer Molecular Genetics Pathogenesis and ~ A comprehensive stateoftheart summary of breast cancer research and treatment by leading authorities The books many distinguished contributors illuminate the biology and genetics of breast cancer including what is known about the hereditary breast cancer genes BRCA1 and 2 the cuttingedge cytogenic approaches and the biology of breast cancer metastasis
Oncology Research Cognizant Communication Corporation ~ Includes research of the highest quality that contributes to an understanding of cancer in areas of molecular biology cell biology biochemistry biophysics genetics biology endocrinology immunology and more
Cancer Wikipedia ~ Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body These contrast with benign tumors which do not spread to other parts of the body Possible signs and symptoms include a lump abnormal bleeding prolonged cough unexplained weight loss and a change in bowel movements While these symptoms may indicate cancer they
Science health and medical journals ~ ScienceDirect is the worlds leading source for scientific technical and medical research Explore journals books and articles
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