Protein Targeting, Transport, and Translocation
by (Hardcover - May 13, 2002)
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Results Protein Targeting, Transport, and Translocation
Signal peptide Wikipedia ~ A signal peptide sometimes referred to as signal sequence targeting signal localization signal localization sequence transit peptide leader sequence or leader peptide is a short peptide usually 1630 amino acids long present at the Nterminus of the majority of newly synthesized proteins that are destined towards the secretory pathway These proteins include those that reside either
Target peptide Wikipedia ~ A target peptide is a short 370 amino acids long peptide chain that directs the transport of a protein to a specific region in the cell including the nucleus mitochondria endoplasmic reticulum ER chloroplast apoplast peroxisome and plasma target peptides are cleaved from the protein by signal peptidases after the proteins are transported
Protein Modifications Co and Posttranslational and ~ The protein modifications page provides a detailed discussion of the various co and posttranslational modifications PTM that take place during and after protein synthesis how proteins are targeted and a discussion of diseases related to defects in these processes
Translocation Biology Encyclopedia cells plant body ~ Translocation is the movement of materials from leaves to other tissues throughout the plant Plants produce carbohydrates sugars in their leaves by photosynthesis but nonphotosynthetic parts of the plant also require carbohydrates and other organic and nonorganic materials For this reason nutrients are translocated from sources regions of excess carbohydrates primarily mature leaves
Protein Kinase C an overview ScienceDirect Topics ~ Protein Kinase C Protein Kinase C PKC is a family of serine–threonine kinases found in most cell types whose activity has a strong influence on a wide variety of signal transduction events
IJMS Topical Collection G ProteinCoupled Receptor ~ G proteincoupled receptors GPCRs have been implicated in transmitting signals across the extra and intracellular compartments thus allowing environmental stimuli to elicit critical biological responses
Cytosolic Protein Vms1 Links Ribosome Quality Control to ~ Eukaryotic cells have evolved extensive protein qualitycontrol mechanisms to remove faulty translation products Here we show that yeast cells continually produce faulty mitochondrial polypeptides that stall on the ribosome during translation but are imported into the mitochondria
Recombinant Human TNFalpha Protein 210TA005 RD Systems ~ Human TNFalpha protein 210TA is manufactured by RD Systems Over 528 publications Reproducible results in bioactivity assays Learn
Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathies CharcotMarieTooth ~ Genetics PMP22 Gene mutation types Duplication of one PMP22 gene 3 total copies of PMP22 Types Segmental duplication in gene area Due to unequal crossing over of chromosomes during meiosis Trisomy of short arm on chromosome 17 17p Mosaic
dbPTM ~ dbPTM is an integrated resource for protein posttranslational modifications PTMs Due to the importance of protein posttranslational modifications PTMs in regulating biological processes the dbPTM was developed as a comprehensive database by integrating experimentally verified PTMs from several databases and annotating the potential PTMs for all UniProtKB protein entries
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